Certified Massage Therapist


Darcy Holderman, CMT

Darcy specializes in Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Release, and Dynamic Body Balancing. Receptive and gentle, the foundation of her work is built upon the importance of nervous system regulation and relaxation which allow for lasting physical changes in the body. She aims to ease the mind and spirit, release tension, relieve pain, and create balance throughout a person’s entirety. Each bodywork session is guided by knowledge and intuition, creating a space where the body can heal and become a catalyst towards living a vibrant life.


Lymphatic Massage

Addresses a vital and often overlooked system in the body which includes the lymphatic nodes and lymph, which is a fluid present in the whole body.

Therapeutic Relaxation Massage

Gliding strokes, kneading, and compression of soft tissue can offer many benefits that include increased circulation; the reduction of stress, pain, and anxiety; improved digestion and immune system function; and a sense of overall wellbeing.

Carniosacral Therapy

A gentle non-invasive manual therapy that helps your body improve the function of the central nervous system.

Personal Injury

If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident or at work, NE Wellness is here to help. We work with all personal injury claims and will help get you back on your feet.