Somatic Teacher, Ancestral & Body Based Women’s Mentor

Njigia “Gigi” Bisong

I'm a speaker, author, publisher, and life coach. My passion is helping you connect to your truth center. I think I do this work because honestly... this is the very thing my younger self craved. She craved having others reflect back to me, my truth, having others honor my truth, and having others nourish my truth. 

I recall being very young (4-5) and feeling deeply confused and hurt by how others treated me and each other. Now, the ways of being I noticed were totally considered "normal,” but my soul knew there was nothing normal about it.

What I saw was comparison, judgements, shaming, discounting of feelings, obsession with perfection, idolized personality and body types, group think, and lots of people in pain but no one talking about the pain. Lack of vulnerability.  

I remember being made fun of by my friends because I was so forgiving. They would laugh at me because I didn't know how to be angry at them. The reason I was so forgiving was because I could sense the the root of their pain. I could tune in if it was abandonment or abuse. Therefore, how could I hate you?

But it hurt to be picked on over and over again. It hurt to feel like I didn't belong. I began to wonder if I was the crazy one. It seemed like everyone else read the same manual on how to BE. But it felt like I was the only one that did not read it. 

I asked myself a profound question. I asked myself: Are you going to choose to follow them so you won't be alone or are you going to follow your own way and probably be alone? I consciously chose to follow the crowd. To learn how to be like them so I didn't have to feel alone. 

So I followed the crowd. Observing - watching and emulating. 

I still felt alone because even though I had friends, I had abandoned myself. 

At 18 years old, I sat in my car with my boyfriend at the time, excitedly sharing with him a vision I had. I shared with him this vision of a community for women—for all women to gather, to support one another, love on one another, and to create joy together. The details of this space, I cannot remember, but the essence has been alive with me ever since. 

I have been creating intentional spaces for women for over the past 8 years. It all started with my BFF online matchmaking service where I matched women with a small group of best friends. It was such a success, and women came flocking to it. In that moment, I learned I was not the only one searching for a community with a particular depth that is not always found. 

And ever since then, I have been creating community. I do this by helping you learn to be okay with your most insecure parts, knowing those insecure parts are far from your entire truth. I hold space for you so can shine, so your divine self can come through fully.

I develop meaningful and innovative programs to bring and align others to their unique genius so they can bring their gifts into this world and truly embody their calling. 


Sacred Embodied Practices

Elevate your well-being and align your mind, body, and spirit with sacred embodied practices rooted in mindfulness, movement, and ancient wisdom.