Certified Massage Therapist


Sophia Keller, CMT

Sophia uses a blend of therapeutic and relaxation massage styles to create an experience that is both physically relieving and deeply relaxing. She values the body’s innate ability to heal and aims to provide a comfortable space for clients to release long-stored tension. No two clients receive the same massage, as she always prioritizes the needs of the individual, as well as utilizes her intuition. 

Sophia received her training from Northwestern Health Sciences University. She plans to continue her exploration of healing work for life.  

In her free time, she enjoys reading, writing short fiction and poetry, and soaking up as much of the outdoors as she can.


Lymphatic Massage

Addresses a vital and often overlooked system in the body which includes the lymphatic nodes and lymph, which is a fluid present in the whole body.

Therapeutic Relaxation Massage

Gliding strokes, kneading, and compression of soft tissue can offer many benefits that include increased circulation; the reduction of stress, pain, and anxiety; improved digestion and immune system function; and a sense of overall wellbeing.

Deep Tissue Massage

Used to treat musculoskeletal issues, such as strains and sports injuries. It involves applying sustained pressure using slow, deep strokes.

Prenatal Massage

Focusing on relieving muscle strain and tension due to the growing changes of the woman's body.

Personal Injury

If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident or at work, NE Wellness is here to help. We work with all personal injury claims and will help get you back on your feet.